Most Famous Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt

       Hey there, I hope you’re doing well! Last post, we ended on who the pharaohs actually were. Today, I will give insight on some of the most renowned pharaohs of the ancient world. With that being said let’s talk about them!


      This is a Pharaoh whom you may have already heard of. What made him so famous was that he took rule of all of Egypt at the age of 9! The other main reason of why he was so known was because his tomb(we will talk more about the pyramids and mummification in a later post) was one of the best tombs preserved of the time. So archeologists could study his face really well. Furthermore, it was not only his body that was preserved well, the treasures and artifacts in his tomb were too. From this one piece of history, archeologists were able to find out so much about that time period. Unfortunately, his time as Pharoah was short-lived. He died at 19 years old at around 1324 B.C and only ruled for 9 years. 

Ramses II

There is one main reason why this Pharaoh is known throughout the world. It is because he is the one who most historians believe caused the Exodus and was the rival of Moses. The story of him in the Bible, Torah , and the Quran(in Arabic Pharaoh is Firaun) means a lot to the people who follow those three big monotheistic(belief in one God) religions. Even if you don’t follow one of those religions it is still good to know because of the historical value the story has. On the bottom of this post  I will put three links to the story. This is because Muslims, Jews, and Christians all interpret the story differently. Unlike most people of the time Ramses II lived an ample life between 90-96 years old! What’s even crazier is he had over 200 wives and over 100 children in that time span. He died in 1213 B.C.


    This Pharaoh was another famous one, and you have probably learned about her in school. Unlike Ramses II, she was known for multiple different reasons and she was a very effective ruler. For one, she was the only pharaoh who influenced even the mighty power of Rome(we will learn about this civilization soon). She even had personal relationships with Mark Antony and Julius Caesar himself(we will learn about them both too). Furthermore, she was a highly educated woman who spoke many languages. She majorly impacted how western empires from then on would be governed. Another reason of her fame was that she was a woman. In the apart it’s always been hard for women to gain power and rule. She was able to overcome those barriers. What is also very interesting, is that Cleopatra wasn’t the only woman who was able to take the throne of Ancient Egypt. Throughout the kingdom’s history there were many female pharaohs such as Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, and Merneith. Cleopatra was born in Alexandria, Egypt in 69 B.C. She committed suicide in the August of 30 B.C.

Moses Story links:

                                                                                                           Image from “Dear America Wiki”

Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoyed learning about these three very famous pharaohs who shaped the ancient world. Like always, if you have any questions about what was said today please comment. With that that being said I hope you have an amazing day and I’ll see you on the next post!



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