Ancient Egypt(P3):The First Cities

        Hello, Welcome back to The Historical Musings! Last post we learned about irrigation and the first villages. Today, we will move into part three of ancient Egypt and learn about how the very first cities came to be. With that being said, let’s get started!

The Earliest Cities

        As villages kept growing, trading, and learning new things, they also began growing very rich in resources. The villages became so successful, they feared they would be attacked and robbed by bandits. To prevent this from happening, they built huge stone walls around the villages. These were the first cities of the ancient world. A few major ancient Egyptian cities were Memphis and Thebes, both huge religious centers. 
         Memphis was the capital of lower ancient Egypt(we will learn about lower Egypt in a later post:)) and was founded in about 2925 BC/BCE. It was also one of the oldest cities. Thebes was another major city and was the capital of Upper Egypt founded in 3200 BC/(we will also learn about Upper Egypt in a later post:)). 

The City of Jericho

        Even though Jericho was not an Egyptian city it still is a very important city to know about. So let's talk about why it is so important. Jericho is the oldest city in the world(yes it is still here today) and is located in modern-day Palestine. It was founded way back in 6800 BC/BCE and what it was most known for were its walls. Jericho had one of the thickest and strongest walls in the ancient world. They were over ten feet thick and thirteen feet tall! The city is also known from the biblical story of a victory over Canaanite citizens by Israelite leader Joshua(to know more about this biblical story click here).

        Thanks for reading! If you liked this post please follow to learn more about ancient Egypt. That is all I have for you today and like I always say, if you have any questions please comment so I can clear it up for you. I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you on the next post!
-The History Buff


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