Ancient Egypt(P4) The Nile River and the Geography of Upper and Lower Egypt
Hey there! Welcome back to The Historical Musings. Today we will be getting into a slightly confusing part of ancient Egypt so if you don't understand something read it thoroughly again and if you still don't understand, just comment and I'll make sure to reply. Our topics of the day will be the Nile River and the geography of Upper and Lower Egypt. With that being said let's get started! Geography of the Nile Delta The Nile river stretches through many parts of Africa and right through Egypt. It starts from the mountains in the south to the Mediterranean Sea in the north. However, before it reaches the Mediterranean, it splits into many little rivers that then run into the Sea. These little rivers together, shape an upside-down triangle. In Greek, the letter delta is also shaped like a triangle, so this segment of the river became known as the Nile Delta (the name is in Greek because it was a Greek ...